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El Palmar del Tití: Protecting the habitat of the cotton-top tamarin

Foto del escritor: RegiónCaribe.orgRegió

By Ana Carlina Tapias

The cotton-top tamarin, one of the most endangered species in the world due to deforestation and illegal local pet trade, now has a legally protected area that covers 2.622 hectares in Atlántico. The Ministry of Environment, the local Government and Corporación Autónoma Regional –CRA Atlántico-, approved the declaration of Palmar del Tití Integrated Management Regional District, an area that includes the municipalities of Luruaco and Piojó. 

Alberto Escolar, Director of CRA Atlántico, assured that the proper agreement in protected areas is one of the most sustainable and viable solutions to preserve the biodiversity of tropical forests, the natural habitat of this Caribbean species. 

The Governor of Atlántico, Eduardo Verano, highlighted the declaration and said is a historic decision that will contribute to the preservation of the species. 

What is an Integrated Management Regional District?

The protected area includes 47 properties that intend to protect the habitat of endangered species, such as the cotton-top tamarin, preserve dry tropical forests, promote the sustainable use of flora and fauna and protect aquatic birds and theirs habitat, guaranteeing the sustainability of the lands’ the ecosystem services.

The measure restricts the irreversible use of the land and regulates any kind of activities that could be performed in its surroundings.  


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