By An Carolina Tapias

Since May, on the round point that connects Circunvalar Avenue and Via 40, more than 300 men have been building the highest monument of the country, which will become a very important chapter of Barranquilla’s history. We are talking about the 45 meters high “Window to the World” -La ventana al Mundo in Spanish-.
This colorful and modern structure is the result of an urban art contest organized by Tecnoglass, a world leader company in architectonic windows and glass manufacturing based in Barranquilla. Although the building isn’t finished yet, it is so impressive that it already receives over 100 daily visits.
The monument –designed by architect Diana Escorcia from Barranquilla- aims to become the most emblematic landmark of the city. It was not thought of as a simple window, but as one that will show Barranquilla’s history through an open air gallery and will reflect the development and potential of a constantly growing city. The window is the screening of two foundations that represent Barranquilla’s creativity and talent.
Those who are building the monument are aware of the importance of their work and its symbolic meaning, that’s why they are committed finish the job in record time, giving their best in every bit of cement, every piece iron and aluminum, and each blue, green, red, yellow and white colored glass.
Its construction required over 80 tons of metallic structures, 10 tons of aluminum, more than 2.000 square meters of laminated safety glass and 510 cubic meters of concrete, among other materials.
Tecnoglass dreamed it and achieved it, but they also inspired more companies to join in the project and make this dream come to reality as a gift to Barranquilla and its people. At least 10 national and international companies came together to make “The Window to the World”, the monument that will hopefully inspire many barranquilleros to keep working towards the goal of making Barranquilla one of the most attractive and competitive cities of the world.