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5.2 tons of waste collected in El Rodadero during Clean-up

Foto del escritor: RegiónCaribe.orgRegió

The 12th version of the "Playatón" was organized by Santa Marta Mayor Office

More than 70 companies, both private and public, met at El Rodadero beaches for the Playatón 2017 to gather and recycle the waste tourist throw in the area.

During the cleaning, over 1.500 volunteer high school and university students, rescue organizations, authorities, guilds, street vendors, among other people, helped collecting waste.

Santa Marta Mayor, Rafael Martínez shared. "Today we are participating in the twelfth Playatón. This initiative represents a clear example of joint work between public and private entities in order to protect the enviornment and also raise awareness in the community on the way waste is being handled".

It was a total of 5.2 tons of waste (each ton has 1.000 kg) of recycable waste, 4,2 tons of general waste and 1.576 postconsume waste.

The event took place last weekend from 7 a.m. and recieved the surprise visit of singer Carlos Vives, who shared with the volunteers a message about enviornmental responsibility.


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